Author: Super Admin

25 – Framatome, an international leader in nuclear energy committed to developing products and services for the healthcare industry, and IBA (Ion Beam Applications S.A., EURONEXT), the world leader in particle accelerator technology and the leading provider of radiopharmaceutical production solutions, today announced they have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding to start a strategic partnership...
3th GLOBAL MEETING WG & Core Group meeting of the COST Action CA19114 Network for Optimized Astatine Labeled Radiopharmaceuticals minutes:
This international Meeting, fully dedicated to astatine-211, aims to convene actors from around the world while emphasizing sustainable practices. These three days will offer a comprehensive overview of the accomplishments made over the past four years within this European network comprising academic and industrial stakeholders. Bringing together 150 participants from Europe, America, and Asia representing...
NOMATEN Centre of Excellence, organizes the International Radiopharmaceutical Conference NOMRad which will be held 25-27 June 2024 in Warsaw, Poland. The conference will focus on topics related to radiopharmaceuticals development, including production of medical radioisotopes, new labelling methods and preclinical and clinical radiopharmaceuticals’ evaluation. There will be also presented talks on astatine production and studies...
Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Conference Grants consist in grants awarded to Young Researchers and Innovators affiliated in an Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) / Near Neighbour Country (NNC) to present their own work at an international well-recognized conferences. Presentations must be related to topics of the NOAR COST Action CA19114 and conferences should not be organized...
Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) is an exchange visit to support individual mobility, strengthen existing networks and foster collaboration between COST Action Participants. The STSM should specifically contribute to the scientific objectives of the COST Action, helping to achieve the Action MoU objectives and deliverables, whilst simultaneously allowing those partaking in the missions to learn...
The registration form is available on the conference here. Dear Colleagues,  Friends, NOMATEN Centre of Excellence located at the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) invites you to save the date and make plans to join us for the International Radiopharmaceutical Conference NOMRad which will be held June 25 – 27, 2024 at the Novotel...
3rd Global Meeting of the COST Action CA19114 Nantes, France 1-3rd of October 2024 Save the date!
PRISMAP’s call 4 for user projects is now open for proposal submission and we invite you all to submit your proposals!  Deadline for submission to this call is 29 Sep 2023. New for this call are two additional radionuclides, Pb-203 and Ra-224, available in our radionuclide portfolio. At-211 is on the list! Moreover, proposal part B is now limited to only 5...